What is Texas Hold’em?

Texas Hold’em poker is a virtual game that is arranged using a randomness generator.

Texas Hold’em poker is played with a standard deck of 52 cards. There is a Dealer Button, an object that circulates clockwise from player to player and indicates who should deal in that hand (unless there is a person in charge of that only) and who should place the required bet.

There are two mandatory roles in Texas Hold’em and they are called the blinds. The game starts with the two players sitting to the left of the Dealer Button setting the mandatory roles called. small and big blind before the cards are dealt. The big blind is twice the size of the small blind.

After the stakes have been set, each player is dealt two cards, face down, so that only the player to whom they were dealt can see them. The point of the game is for each player to make the best combination with his two cards that are dealt to him and five more cards that the dealer draws during the game. This, as in ordinary poker, refers to the best five-card combination, meaning that from a total of seven cards (two in the hand and five drawn by the dealer) each player tries to make his best five-card combination, ignoring the other two cards that do not participate in the combination. This means that in the end your hand can consist of:

• Your two cards and the three cards drawn by the dealer

• Your one card and four cards drawn by the dealer

• Five cards drawn by the dealer

Whoever puts together the best combination is the winner and takes home the POT. The pot is the sum of all bets during that one hand.

When all players are dealt two cards, the first betting round begins. The player to the left of the big blind asks first. For him and for all the others after him, there are three possibilities:

1. To call the given bet (in this case the big blind) – Call

2. To raise above the set stake – Raise

3. To give up the current hand and return the cards to the dealer – Fold

When the cards are returned to the dealer, they are put aside and can no longer be used in that hand.

Each subsequent player also has these three options, with the fact that if the player before him has raised above the big blind, then he has the option of re-raising, which means raising the stake to be larger than the stake played by the player before him.

Likewise, if the player who played before raised the bet, the next player to continue the game must place the same bet value and/or raise more.

After the first betting round is over, the dealer removes the first face-down card from the deck, puts it aside and does not use it in that hand again, and places three cards face-up in the middle of the table. Those cards make the FLOP.

The second betting round, like every subsequent one, starts from the player to the left of the Dealer Button. If he folds before the flop, the next player next to him is asked and so on. In addition to the three options described above, players now have a fourth option, which is Check. This means that the player remains in the hand without additional investment, of course this is only possible if no one raised the bet before him in the second round.

Once one player raises the bet, the others can call that bet (Call), raise more than their predecessors (Re-raise) or, if they think they don’t have any combination with their two cards in hand and three on the flop (or they don’t feel like pay to wait for the dealer to draw two more cards), to give up further play in that deal (Fold).

So at the end of each investment round, all players must invest the same amount of money into the pot, with one exception – if a player goes ALL-IN (invests all the chips he has), then the dealer makes a Side Pot, which limits the pot that can be won by a player who is not had enough chips in front of him for a regular continuation of the hand. In addition to the Side Pot, there remains the Main Pot, which is contested by players who continue playing the hand.

After the second round of betting is completed, the dealer puts another card aside and draws a fourth card on the table next to the cards that make up the flop, so that there are now four cards on the table with which the players make their combinations.

The third round of betting starts after the draw of the Turn where the players are introduced to the fourth card and a new round of betting starts. This investment round is the same as the previous one.

After the third round of betting, another card is placed aside and a fifth card is drawn and placed next to the Turn, so that we now have five cards on the table with which the players can combine to make the strongest hand (plus two cards each in hand).

The rules are the same as for the previous two rounds. At the end of this round, all players remaining in the game open their cards and the player with the strongest combination takes the pot.

The order of hand strength is as follows:

1. Royal Flush – five connected highest cards of the same suit (from A to 10)

2. Straight Flush – also five connected cards of the same sign, but not the strongest

3. Poker – four of a kind

4. Full House – two of the same (pair) and three of the same (trilling)

5. Flush (suit) – five of any cards of the same suit

6. Straight (kenta) – five connected cards of any characters

7. Trilling – three of the same

8. Two pairs – two of the same and two of the same

9. Pair – two of the same

10. High Card – if none of the players has any of the mentioned combinations, it is seen which of them has the strongest card and takes the pot. If it is the same for some players, the pot is split.

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